E3 Forensic Platform Innovates Again with Remote Cloud Collection

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The 3.3 version of the E3 Forensic Platform continues with industry firsts with a new Remote Cloud Collection option. With more and more data moving to the cloud the need for innovative approaches to the collection of this data continues to be a high demand for investigators. 

“Paraben’s approach wanted to incorporate the best practices for cloud collection with a built-in consent document that can be signed in the field and connect back to the lab to get the keys needed to collect data. The three-step approach ensures the best possible practices for collection and data integrity,” stated Amber Schroader, Founder and CEO of Paraben.

As with all releases of the E3 Forensic Platform careful selection to the features are done to ensure the needs of investigators of all levels are being met. With the addition of the new Remote Cloud Collection functionality for E3:Universal users many other new features have been added. 

Cloud Functionality changes included new Facebook Messenger cloud collection as well as new  enhancements for Office 365 for the ability to pull folders, subfolders, and hidden folders. These new enhancements are bringing a new face to cloud forensics.

Computer forensics is always having shifts in data that can slip by an untrained eye. If you are using the E3 Forensic Platform new functionality for browser investigations has been added for a large variety of the most popular browsers. As well as the ability to see scheduled tasks that were created on a PC will enable new depths to an investigation.

In the world of mobile forensics where data is always changing, the new capabilities in version 3.3 include enhanced analysis of GrayKey iOS and Android related data. In addition, you can now add Android ADB backups directly into E3 to have the powerful analysis and parsing engines go to work on the data. Updated App parsing has been added for Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp as well as support for a new SIM reader.

With all the new features and enhancements available for the E3 Forensic Platform there is no doubt to the value and quality behind the Paraben brand. With prices starting at $599 and fair subscription prices you are guaranteed to have exactly what you need when it comes to a digital forensic investigation tool.

About Paraben Corporation:

Since 2001 Paraben has been a foundation in solutions for mobile devices, smartphones, email, and gaming system forensics. Paraben has been forging innovative approaches for dealing with digital evidence. Paraben’s focus on mobility led to many other areas of innovation, including the research and development into the Internet of Things (IoT) with the Forensics of EverythingTM (FoE). Paraben supports logical and physical images with mobile devices and supports 100% of the smartphones on the market.  In addition, Paraben can add to an existing arsenal with specialized tools for unique data, such as network email servers, local email archives, internet related data, and gaming systems. Paraben provides software with a unified vision and interface for dealing with all types of digital data. From start-to-finish, Paraben offers solutions that can build new capabilities into any digital investigation. 

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