Recent Hub Casts

User Behavior Analysis: Telling a story using SQLite

SQLite is the most used database format in the world, and much of a user’s activity and data on both mobile devices and computers are stored within this format. In this presentation, we will show how to use SQLite to write queries which visualize user activity and tell the story of your data, allowing an investigator to make the most impact with their findings.

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The Digital Evidence That Can Kill You

You should assume your digital evidence is covered in a substance that can seriously harm you or even kill you. Join Kevin from Cyber Social Hub and Steve Watson from VTO Labs as they discuss the dangers in collecting and examining devices that were exposed to fentanyl, biohazards, and other deadly contaminants.

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Join us for a free 2-day digital investigation & cybersecurity conference! Share ideas on digital investigations and connect with like-minded technology professionals.

The purpose of the event is to engage and educate the Cyber Social Hub community, introduce attendees to techniques and technologies to aid them in their role, and encourage community engagement / interaction.

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